If there are no weird rattling noises from the timing chain, knocking noises etc. and the engine is running fine without dropouts, the N57 is certainly a good choice.
My fathers X5 E70 has the 245hp 30d N57 and it has been running smooth for 180k km so far without any problems. These engines can last for a long time, as long as you take care of them.
By the way - the N47 isn't too bad anyway. Some people experience problems, but in general, the do what they should.
Sounds good. I see both positive and negative about these engines so it just makes me wonder who and what to believe
If it can handle moving a big E70 it should do fine with F10 
Maybe not, but I see alot of negative with N47 here in my country. But to be fair, alot of it is early D20A in E-series BMW. Only a couple timing chain failures on F3x and F1x. But I have no interest in that. 4 cylinder is just not for me
The N57 engine is not that bad. Oil pump breaks sometimes, but that's not the rule. Only a hand full of people (under 5) in this forum had that problem.
Timing chain is not a problem with the 3 litre engine. Mostly 20d's are affected.
If you get a F10 w/ an auto transmission, you do not have to worry about the timing chain. The ones that have a manual transmission have that issue (in case it might happen)
CP4-Pump is not a common problem. Even with the chipped 30d's
If you buy a F10 with the N57 you're doing everything right 
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I saw one guy here with 525d 204ps, he had oil pump failure on a low mileage car. This was the first time I have heard about this, and some person said that if we checked German forums we would see that the 3 liter also had much issues like the 2 liter.
About timing chain, this is not what I have read. Most say that 3 liter also have this issue, but it happens later than 2 liter. Maybe past 200.000km. I'm looking at cars with maybe 100.000km (give or take 20.000).
Yes, I am looking for one with automatic. I don't think manual suits the F10.
I will also code start stop function to always be OFF. From what I've understood, the starting process is usually the worst for timing chain.
As for CP4 pump, it seems to be a somewhat common problem here. Maybe its our diesel that's bad? It seems more common on 2 liters. But there was sold much more 2 liters than 3 liters here so that's probably why.
I hear to get this repaired after CP4 failure can cost up to 10k euro at BMW workshop. It can most likely be done cheaper at independent workshop, but still will cost alot.
I see some people suggesting adding one tiny dose of 2 stroke oil in dieseltank when filling up the tank to help lubricate the diesel system. And other suggest additives like Tunap 984.
Yes I think N57 will be the best choise. Needs 6 cylinders