Rapid Fill Times are quite unimportant in regards of your gear life time.
It tells abit about the age of your oil and how thick maybe your oil already is and how smooth maybe your gears can shift. Quicker fill times means your oil is still "fresh" or good. Rapid fill times can also tell some stories about your mechatronic and the pressure regulators. They have a resistencve of about 5.5 Ohms and 4,6 bar pressure. This indicates all is working within the limits.
However, for your gear over all lifetime the "Clutch Fill Pressure" is much more important cause it will tell you the condition of your clutch.
I do see your Clutch C and D already have some good wear. -400 is the limit before ZF consider a gearbox "dead". Defective clutches mostly come in pairs (such as A and B, or C and D and so on).