I purchased a F10 with 21000 km from a independend dealer , now he told me that he can acces the servers from BMW to enter there the service that he did to my car. BMW has to open there servers to other independand dealer because of the warranty but the dealer has to pay for BMW for the lincence , i dont know if this is true he gave me a copy of a page he printed out where he enterd the service he did to my car on the servers of BMW. The only thing that is not always working is to enter the service history in the IDrive from my F10 , i dont care about this because i can enter this myself with a program called BMW-HU-ServiceManager. Is there someone on this forum who can acces the BMW servers to comfirm me that the service done to my BMW is enterd on there servers?? I stil have 3000km to do before i hit 30.000km so if there is no service entry of my car on the BMW servers i can go to an official dealer and let them to the service to my car before the car has 30.000km so i will not lose my warranty.
Thank you

Do you not have any official BMW dealer near you?
Usually you can just go there and ask.